Spring is a time for a fresh start with lots of things to look forward to. It’s the season for bright colors, beautiful flowers and Easter dresses. Tis the season to update our wardrobe, what about updating your pet’s wardrobe too? Grab a few new bandanas to match the season, we have lots of fun bright colors and sweet plaids that complement the season. You can find these on our website at www.briggsnwiggles.com or on Instagram @briggsnwiggles3.
Still getting out and getting your pet some exercise? Bet it is hard some days with all those April showers!! On those extra rainy days try stimulating your pet’s mind. You can use dog puzzles with Briggs’s Beignets or play hide and seek with their new plush stuffed toy from Briggs 'n' Wiggles. That doesn’t mean you should stop getting out on those gorgeous spring days showing off both of your new wardrobes!!
Since we are still getting out there and it is really starting to warm up in some parts of the country, we need to pay even more attention to making sure we all stay hydrated. It is really important as we get into the warmer part of the year to keep our pets drinking plenty of water. When you pack water for yourself on your walks, make sure to pack your pups water also! Keep getting out there and enjoying Springtime and the gorgeous days!